Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dennis Four Ball - New Born Experience

Sept 14-15: This was a special year for multiple reasons: 1) Mike's newborn daughter, Lindsey, would be with us for the first time; 2) Mike's in-laws would be hosting us in their newly renovated home (wasn't complete last year); and 3) We would see how Mike's game would hold up as a father!

We had another weekend of spectacular weather; sunny and high 60s both days.  The first day we got a late starting time, 12:40pm; allowed us a full morning of beach with the dogs, breakfast at home (Murph scrambled eggs and thomas's english muffin), and relaxation. Our starting time was surrounded by two Mass Am championship, a 2012 Round of 16 US Amateur competitor who beat Harris English, and many other accomplished players.  Gets me fired up!  We opened with a 2 under par 69.  Birdies at #2, #8, #13, and #18.  Bogeys at #4 and #11.  Mike got at the par-5s with 3 birdies.  Overall, we played well, just couldn't get many putts to drop.  63 was low score of the day.

At night, after a great dinner from Lost Dog, we were treated to a free fireworks show at the house.  Some wealthy family ran a fireworks show off a barge for their daughter's wedding.  It was as good as the fourth of July in Boston, no joke!  15 minutes of cracks and pops, one after another.  I tried to make it late with Mike watching golf, football, and airplane repo and keeping an eye on Lindsey, but I crashed and left Mike with his hands full for the evening.  Estimated sleep time for Mike +/- 5 hours total, not straight through.  Got a taste of newborn parenthood, its a hand full and exciting.

Round 2: Another afternoon tee off; more beach! more breakfast, this time at Grumpy's, our favorite muffins and great breakfast food all around.  We were in the Top 10 with a goal to catch third place score of 66.  Also a nice treat was that we got paired with friends V. Galvani and D. Marseglia (fellow Bentley alum).  We shot 71 with birdies at #5, #8, #10, #15. Bogies at #6, #7, #12, and #17.  I don't think we played as well individually; as our drivers were astray.  Maybe some fatigue.  On a course like Dennis Highlands (ability to spray tee shots) and the quality of field, you really have to bring your highest confidence on the greens.  Trusting the rhythm of the putting stroke and being aggressive, knowing if you run a birdie putt by, you will make the comeback putt.  I never got that feel over the two days.

My most memorable moments were my trouble shots.  On #10, I hit a blind knock down 8 iron from 125 yards that landed inches from the cup and rolled to the back of green.  I had to clear an opening that was high enough to fly one tree and low enough to avoid another.  Then, on #12, my drive was a few inches from the main roadway coming into the club; I was nervous about gouging my club.  After committing to the shot, I got a wedge behind the ball without hitting the pavement, cleared the trees, and landed on the green to save an unlikely par.  Mike dominated #8 (par 5), putting it greenside in two both times and doubling up on birdies.

Oh and Mike still has game!  Beautiful short game to watch.

I recommend this tournament to any amateur players looking for a good four ball weekend.  This weekend keeps getting better (how come our scores aren't?)

To new life,

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